Its powerful and reliable GENERGY engine provides optimum performance and an extremely easy start up regardless the thermal conditions of the welder generator. All models are equipped with an alternator controlled by a reactor, dispensing with electronic regulators. This minimizes, simplifies and economizes maintenance in the medium and long term. Welding powers (DC) range from 120A of the Vulcano model to 190A of the TEIDE and TIMANFAYA models. They feature a 230V AC outlet for using an auxiliary electric tool.
There are many different types of welding process in the welding history. The term welding, whose origin is identical with that of the word well in the sense of welling or boiling up. In the previous time known to have been familiar to some extent with the blowpipe or flame torch. But there was no record of their having ever applied it to the joining of metal by fusion process.
The water-gas welding process was applied in the end of 19th century. The flame which is produced from water-gas replaced the blacksmith s hearth as a mean of heating the metal and welded the metal but this is first welding. Another type of welding is the more modern types the termed cast-welding. In this method the molten metal pouring into a mould which has runner at the point where the casting had failed to flow or wherever there was a fractured place. The molten iron poured in until it was fluid everywhere around the edge of the job and runner was stopped up. Then the iron was allowed to cold in the mould. This welding process can be said modern fusion weld process, but this is slightly high cost process than other types of welding.
At that time the oxy-acetylene welding process discovering was the most vital importance invention in the welding history. That awardable invention gone to Mr. Edmund Davy in 1836. This type of welding discovery was known to chemists a long time before it became a factor of economic importance to the world..
Wilson and Moisson had developed a method of making calcium carbide(CaC2) in the year of 1891. In 1895 a Frenchman had discovered the another type of welding process that equal parts of acetylene and oxygen burned together gave a higher temperature.
Another welding had been happening in 1881 by Mr. de Meritens. During his experimental works he faced with the necessity of joining together certain parts of electrical storage batteries. He placed the work-piece on a table and it connected with the positive pole of the source of current , the other pole connected a carbon rod which has kept on operator hand. Then he strike on the work, at that time first produced a arc and some heat was generated. Finally he made a fused the metallic lead of battery plate. The first job lead container which was used for some chemical container was produced with this type of arc welding process.
Elihu Thomson had made first electric welding machine patent in the year of 1886, which was big type of welding machine. His process was usually called butt-joint welding. He had also modify the other welding system later because the jaw which was used for griping the job the piece got too much hot. So he developed water cooled jaw system.
The different types of welding are classified into two groups—
i) Gas Welding
ii) Electric Arc Welding
– Carbon Arc Welding
– Shielded metal Arc Welding
– Submerged Arc Welding
– TIG Welding or GTAW
– MIG Welding or GMAW
– Electro-slag Welding
– Electro-gas Welding
– Plasma Arc Welding
– Arc Spot Welding
– Stud Arc Welding
iii) Thermic Welding
i) Forge Welding
ii) Electric Resistance Welding
In general condition there is main four types of weld used for solid material with intermediate or combination types for special cases. The four types of welds are- 1) Roller Weld, 2) Plain Weld, 3) Ring Weld, 4) Wire Weld.
In roller welds, the weld metals like plates, foils, strips, sheets etc. are passed between several rollers which exert the required pressure for the weld. In some special cases the device combination roller is used which can make form of tube shape from a metal strip and then welded the edge by the seam welding process. Trim away the excess material with some kind of process so that there is practically no kind of projection indicates.
The plain welds are most common used in general cases. In this welds the two pieces of metal made face to face where they are meet, overlapping condition and weld them spot to spot or continuous seam. For the example, the boxes are made by this plain welds.
The ring welds are generally welded for desired perimeter welding shape like circle, square, pentagon or hexagon sizes; these are joining at the edge. This weld is very suitably for edge sealing containers. The hollow floats made by joining hemispheres provide one examples of the use of this type of welds.
For the wire weld the special type of welding technique is used called wire weld and the particular form is overlapping process. Enough strength is getting and electrical resistance is same as parent material, because due to weld joint portion diameter slightly increased. This type of weld joint is used for manufacturing of electrical grids and screens.
In electric arc welding is only a electrical spark, otherwise it is nothing. It is fusion welding process. It is work in a closed electrical circuit in which current flows. If a small gap formed in the circuit then there an electrical spark is occurred, which is called electrical arc. In this spark or arc are contain a huge amount of temperature like 34000C-40000C. Due to this huge temperature, the weld metal can be fuse in arc welding process.
In the arc welding the heat is produced through an electrode or arc welding rods. The electric arc is produced between consumable electrode and the work piece. The current is continuously supplied through the consumable electrode and fillet deposited on work piece. Thus the electric arc welding process is carried out. The electrode which is passing the current is made with flux coated, these types of electrode is called bar electrode. The coating flux are melt at the time of welding and deposited upper level of filler metal as a slag, which is removed by chipping or grinding process after normal cooling. The filler metal is called electrode in arc welding practice.
The carbon-arc welding is the another type of arc welding. Where carbon or graphite are used as a electrode. There are two methods used for produced an arcs, the single-carbon process and another is the twin-carbon process. The main difference is, the twin-carbon arc welding carried electrically independent torch. The carbon-arc welding is invariably carried out with direct current. The heat is produced between carbon electrode and work piece, base metal melts with this heat and additional filler metal can be added where extra metal needed. The essential point of this carbon-arc welding is that the filler rod quite difference from the ordinary filler rod. Because it can not be connected with current source.
· Work piece distortion is less.
· Process is suitable for any kind of joint.
· Weld heat can be controlled very easily through changing of arc length.
· Welders are made skilled in short time.
· It is simple welding process.
· Big range of metals and their alloys can be welded.
· The operator should wear anti-flame clothes to prevent burning and he should also protect himself from hot metals.
· The hand screen must be used for preventing the ultra-violet ray and infrared ray.
· Avoid the spatter fire hazardous from the welding area and there cover up with asbestos cloth if possible.
· Connection for welding should be made proper care and do direct ground if feasible.
· The connecting cable must be super insulated.
· The wok should not placed on combustible material.
· During chipping or slag removing the proper goggles should be wear.
· A fire extinguisher should always kept in hand.
· Helmets should be used.
· Proper ventilation must be provided in welding area.
· The black paint may be provided inside of the wall for killing the reflection rays.
Welding power supply by Wikipedia
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